“..art is an edifying process”

I follow a simple path of making sculpture. It is heavily influenced by model making, Japanese netsuke, jewellery design and other miniature decorative arts.

Living in remote rural Victoria I engage with the Wimmera district's unique fauna via observation and recording their activities. Specifically, my interest has been roused by the ability of nocturnal species to survive and thrive - due largely to their after-hours activities and inconspicuous behaviours. Consequently, it is this commitment to ecological activism which drives my current mindset and object making. Species of all kinds are under pressure from unsavory land management practices, including chemical insect control and crop stubble burn-off.

In a 21st Century context, the idea that art for art’s sake is an anathema. For me art can also be used as a reflector of social, cultural, gender, political and environmental issues. I don’t want to use these works in any self-indulgent moralising way, rather, as homage to our planet’s amazing diversity and a reflector of ecological concerns to a growing global audience.

2012 Mothness 77, Melaka Art & Performance Festival

2011 Posthumous collaborative exhibition with John O’Dal - Brunswick St Gallery

2010 Deakin University contemporary small sculpture award, Melbourne

2010 St Luke Artist Colourmen, Melbourne

2010 St Luke Artist Colourmen: The Exquisite Palette, Melbourne

2010 Small Works, solo exhibition, The Goat Gallery, Natimuk

2010 Linden Post Card Show, St Kilda

2009 Natimuk Frinj Festival Exhibition, The Goat Gallery, Natimuk

2008 Linden Post Card Show, St Kilda

2007 Artistic Insights, The Post Office Gallery, Ballarat

2007 The One Work Show, Learmonth

2007 The Natimuk Frinj Festival Exhibition, The Goat Gallery, Natimuk

2006 Seduced by Sedition, The Goat Gallery, Natimuk

2006 Wimmera Wetlands Exhibition, Horsham


2024 Above from Below, Tacit Galleries

2021 Exploration 21, Flinders Lane Gallery, Melbourne

2019 Notturno, Tacit Galleries

2018 The Exquisite Palette Show, Tacit Galleries

2017 366 days in the Wimmera, Tacit Galleries

2016 Pushing the Sky, Horsham Regional Art Gallery

2015 Point of Interplay, Horsham Regional Art Gallery

2015 Malaysian Australia Raft Project - ACCA, Melbourne

2014 MARP Project, Melaka, Malaysia

2013 Malaysia/Australia Raft Project

2013 Remnant, The Natimuk Court House, Natimuk

2013 Inspired, The Goat Gallery, Natimuk

2013 The Palette Show, Collingwood